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Project Roadmap


Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam Application period

During this time we focused a lot on creating our application to submit it to the Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam grant program. We needed to decide on a community problem and submitted some fo the ideas we had on how to come up with a solution to this problem. 


2020- 2021

Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam Grant period

During this year we focused on finalizing our community issues, creating our first working prototype to solve this issue, and presenting our preliminary ideas to MIT and other teams. 


Iteration process

Although the grant period ended the previous year, our team still was very passionate to continue the project! We worked on creating a casing to house the electronics for our device and making iterations to allow for the haptic signal to be felt over a longer distance. 

2022- 2023

Finalized Prototype

This year we have continued to develop our device. We filed for a provisional patent in the August of 2022 and we are in the process of filing for a utility patent. We have also created a more compact device and all parts of it are manufacturable.

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